Verrijkt Koninkrijk Semantic Layer update: now with more DBPedia!


The Verrijkt Koninkrijk Semantic Layer (which has gotten a small makeover) now is expanded with 13,160 links to the Dutch version of DBPedia ( The Named Entities that have been identified by the UvA recognizers have been converted to SKOS and are loaded in the semantic layer. The wikipedia links, also from the UvA algorithms, have been converted to owl:sameAS links to Dutch and English DBPedia. To allow for some nice SPARQL querying, I have fetched the RDF triples for the linked Dutch DBPedia concepts (interactive SPARQL endpoint at

An example of such a nice SPARQL query is this one, which retrieves all paragraphs in Loe de Jong’s text (retrievable through the resolver) that mention a person that was (or later became) a Prime minister (limited to the first 100 results).

PREFIX dcterms: < >
PREFIX niod: < >
PREFIX skos: < >
PREFIX dbp-prop: < >
PREFIX dbp-res: < >

?entity niod:nerClass niod:nerclass-per;
owl:sameAs ?dbpedia_entry;
niod:pRef ?pref.
?dbpedia_entry dbp-prop:functie dbp-res:Minister-president_van_Nederland.

Or this next one, that lists for each of the found named entities of type ‘event’ an image depicting that event.

PREFIX dcterms: < >
PREFIX niod: < >
PREFIX skos: < >
PREFIX dbp-prop: < >
PREFIX foaf: < >

?event niod:nerClass niod:nerclass-eve;
owl:sameAs ?dbpedia_entry;
niod:pRef ?pref.
?dbpedia_entry foaf:depiction ?picture.

Again, all results should be taken with a grain of salt, since many OCR, conversion and linking-errors occur. The quality of the DBPedia conversion is unknown and outside of the scope of the Verrijkt Koninkrijk project.

[update: Links have been updated to]

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2nd prize Noordervisie 2040

This November my good friend Wybren Meijer, asked me to join a small group of people to come up with a nice entry for the Noordervisie 2040 competition. This competition was organized by the three norther provinces of the Netherlands and the challenge was to come up with an inspiring and innovative vision for the region in 2040. I contributed only a small part, related to smart grids (about which I had previously helped make a dissemination video) and ICT infrastructure.

At the Noorderstorm 2040 gathering in Drachten, of which you can find a video below, the plan was presented by the group members. Things went better than expected and we were awarded the second prize!


I hope to make the whole plan available online, but for now you find a very short quote for the plan below (also in Dutch) .

Onze toekomstvisie voor 2040 staat deels wel, en deels niet op gespannen voet met de nuchtere aard van de Noord-Nederlander. Ze vormt een uitdaging voor de nuchtere geest omdat wij oproepen rekening te houden met een radicaal andere toekomst. De wereld van 2040 zal nieuwe vormen van
technologie, demografie, economie, samenleven en cultuur kennen.

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