On Friday March 8, I will organize a small ‘hackathon’ workshop sponsored by the Network Institute in the context of the Verrijkt Koninkrijk project. In this project, we have created a linked data set for “Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in WoII” and linked it to some other datasets. We have shown some nice applications but would really like to show how this linked data can be used to create all kinds of nice applications/mashups/visualisations. If you, or any of your students, would like to join in, please let me know! A real hackathon has pizza, coke and prizes so I will definitely make sure that these things are present in our hackathon as well! The hackathon is the whole friday from 10h-17.30 in the Intertain Lab of the VU but you can obviously join half a day or just pop in. If you want to have a sneak peek at the data: here is The Verrijkt Konikrijk Semantic Layer and here’s the search interface (non-semantic, still very nice) Please send me a mail at (v.de.boerATvu.nl) or leave a message below if you are interested in hacking along, so I can order enough pizza’s 🙂
- Chris van Aart (2CoolMonkeys)
- Michiel van Dijk (2CoolMonkeys)
- Michiel Hildebrand (VU Web and Media – Data2Sematics)
- Niels Ockeloen (VU Web and Media – BiographyNed project)
- Lourens van der Meij (VU Web and Media – Agora project)
- Johan van Doornik (UvA ILPS)
- Albert Meronyo (VU Knowledge Representation and Reasoning)
- Wouter Beek (VU Knowledge Representation and Reasoning)
- Kees Ribbens (NIOD)
- Tim Veken (NIOD)
- Willem Melder (Beeld en Geluid)