On 16 May 2014, The Network Institute, Computer Science Department and International Office of VU Amsterdam organize a symposium on ICT4D, the quickly growing field of practice and study how Information and Communication Technologies influence and may contribute to social and economic development in the (developing) world.
An international list of speakers will highlight recent issues, trends and debates regarding ICT4D, from a wide range of experiences, angles, and scientific disciplines. The Symposium thus aims to elucidate key questions surrounding ICT4D, including: What are successful or promising contemporary approaches to ICT4D? What is the role of ICT in the broader context of development? What has science and academic research to offer here? What is the contribution and role of different scientific disciplines, such as computer science and others?
More information and (FREE) registration can be found at http://w4ra.org/2014/04/14/symposium_ict4d/.