“New life for old media” to be presented at NEM Summit 2017

The extended abstract “Investigations into Speech Synthesis and Deep Learning-based colorization for audiovisual archives” has been accepted for publication at the NEM (New NEM (cc-by circle ©heese https://www.flickr.com/photos/gratisdbth/7805513264)Eureopean Media) Summit 2017 to be held in Madrid end-of-November. This paper is based on Rudy Marsman’s thesis “Speech technology and colorization for audiovisual archives” and describes his research on using AI technologies in the context of an the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision. Specifically, Rudy experimented with developing speech synthesis software based on a library of narrated news videos (using the voice of the late Philip Bloemendal) and with the use of pre-trained deep learning colorization networks to colorize archival videos.

You can read more in the draft paper [PDF]:

Rudy Marsman, Victor de Boer, Themistoklis Karavellas, Johan Oomen New life for old media: Investigations into Speech Synthesis and Deep Learning-based colorization for audiovisual archives. Extended Abstract proceedings of NEM summit 2017

Update: the slides as presented by Johan Oomen at NEM

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