SEMMES keynote: more than one side to the story

I was honored to be asked to give the keynote address for the 2nd edition of the Workshop on Semantic Methods for Events and Stories (SEMMES), at ESWC2024. I talked about work on polyvocality in cultural heritage knowledge graphs:

There is more than one side to every story. This common saying is not only true for works of fiction. In the global data space that is the Semantic Web, views and perspectives from different people, organizations and cultures should be available. I identify three challenges towards such a polyvocal Semantic Web. I will talk about ways to identify various voices, to model different perspectives and to make these perspectives available to end users. I will give examples from the cultural heritage domain, both in how semantic technologies can be of use to make available various perspectives on people, objects and events there but also how insights from the domain can help to shape the polyvocal Semantic Web.

You can find my slides below

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