The Benefits of Linking Metadata for Internal and External users of an Audiovisual Archive

[This post describes the Master Project work of Information Science students Tim de Bruyn and John Brooks and is based on their theses] Audiovisual archives adopt structured vocabularies for their metadata management. With Semantic Web and Linked Data now becoming more and more stable and commonplace technologies, organizations are looking now at linking these vocabularies […]

Dancing and Semantics

This post describes the MSc theses of Ana-Liza Tjon-a-Pauw and Josien Jansen.  As a semantic web researcher, it is hard to sometimes not see ontologies and triples in aspects of my private life. In this case, through my contacts with dancers and choreographers, I have since a long time been interested in exploring knowledge representation […]


2024 Sarah Binta Alam Shoilee, Victor de Boer and Jacco van Ossenbruggen. A Framework for Evaluating Entity Alignment Impact on Downstream Knowledge Discovery. To appear in Proceedings of EKAW 2024 Johanna Wolff, Victor de Boer, Dirk Heylen and M. Birna van Riemsdijk Defining an Adaptable Framework for Behaviour Support Agents in Default Logic. In Proceedings of […]


I teach a number of courses at the VU computer science department for the BSc. and MSc. level. I amactive in the Digital Humanities minor. I am chair of the “Docententeam” and the “Opleidingscommissie IS”. I supervise multiple PhD. students and a number of MSc. and BSc. students and My goals in supervising students is […]