Around 40 students joined this year’s “bachelor’s for a day” for the VU IMM programme this year. As in previous years, I give a 45 minute lecture and construct a hands-on session around “The Social Web”. Each year I do a non-scientific survey of Social Web use among the -mostly- 17 year old attendees. This year’s outcome:
- Everybody still uses Facebook (even though for the last couple of years, there are some murmurs about abandoning it
- Everybody uses Whatsapp. No surprise there
- More than half of the students use Snapchat.
- About 1/4 of students use LinkedIn.
- About 1/8 of students actively uses Twitter (one post in the last 3 months)
- Most students have heard of Hyves, but noone ever used it
- Almost noone has heard of Second Life 🙂
- Noone heard of
You can find my slides below. The handson session can be found here