- de Boer, V., Shoilee, S.B.A. (2025). Linked Open Data for Cultural Heritage. In: Saloul, I., Baillie, B. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Cultural Heritage and Conflict. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-61493-5_274-1
- Shoilee, S.B.A., de Boer, V., van Ossenbruggen, J. (2025). A Framework for Evaluating Entity Alignment Impact on Downstream Knowledge Discovery. In: Alam, M., Rospocher, M., van Erp, M., Hollink, L., Gesese, G.A. (eds) Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. EKAW 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 15370. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-77792-9_14
- Johanna Wolff, Victor de Boer, Dirk Heylen and M. Birna van Riemsdijk Defining an Adaptable Framework for Behaviour Support Agents in Default Logic. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning co-located with KRR2024. CEUR procedings Volume 3835 https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3835
- Roderick van der Weerdt, Victor de Boer, Laura Daniele, Ronald Siebes and Frank van Harmelen. Representation Learning on IoT Knowledge Graphs. To appear in Proceedings of the Research Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR 2024) Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer
- Xueli Pan, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Victor de Boer and Zhisheng Huang. A RAG Approach for Generating Competency Questions in Ontology Engineering To appear in Proceedings of the Research Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR 2024) Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer
- Bruno Sartini, Sarah Binta Alam Shoilee, Claudia A. Libbi, and Victor de Boer. 2024. Multivocal Exhibition: Exploring Cultural Perspectives through User-Curated Art Exhibitions. J. Comput. Cult. Herit. (July 2024). https://doi.org/10.1145/3679020
- Isabel, F. Franke, Stefania, D. Conte, Claudia, A. Libbi, Victor de Boer, and Tilo Hartmann. 2024. A Polyvocal Approach to Virtual Heritage: An Immersive Case Study. J. Comput. Cult. Herit. (July 2024). https://doi.org/10.1145/3678177
- Victor de Boer and Lise Stork. “Hybrid Intelligence for Digital Humanities.” HHAI 2024: Hybrid Human AI Systems for the Social Good. pp. 94-104. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Vol. 386. IOS Press. DOI: 10.3233/FAIA240186
- Johanna Wolff, Victor de Boer, Dirk Heylen, M. Birna van Riemsdijk. Using Default Logic to Create Adaptable User Models for Behavior Support Agents. HHAI 2024: Hybrid Human AI Systems for the Social Good. pp. 94-104. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Vol. 386. IOS Press. DOI: 10.3233/FAIA240207
- Pan, X., Wang, S., Liu, T., van Ossenbruggen, J., de Boer, V., Huang, Z. (2024). Enhancing Scholarly Paper Recommendation by Modelling Diversity of Research Interests. In: Nguyen, N.T., et al. Recent Challenges in Intelligent Information and Database Systems. ACIIDS 2024. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 2145. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-5934-7_16 (preprint)
- van der Weerdt, R., de Boer, V., Siebes, R., Groenewold, R., van Harmelen, F. (2024). OfficeGraph: A Knowledge Graph of Office Building IoT Measurements. In: Meroño Peñuela, A., et al. The Semantic Web. ESWC 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14665. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-60635-9_6
- Ilaria Tiddi, Victor de Boer, Stefan Schlobach and André Meyer-Vitali. Knowledge Engineering for Hybrid Intelligence. In Proceedings of the 12th Knowledge Capture Conference 2023 (pp. 75-82). 1 K-CAP ’23: Knowledge Capture Conference 2023, Pensacola, FL, USA, December 2023 ACM ISBN 979-8-4007-0141-2/23/12 DOI: 10.1145/3587259.3627541
- WX Wilcke, P Bloem, V de Boer, RH van t Veer End-to-end learning on multimodal knowledge graphs arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.01169 https://arxiv.org/pdf/2309.01169.pdf
- de Boer, Victor. “Knowledge Graphs for Cultural Heritage and Digital Humanities.” Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on analySis, Understanding and proMotion of heritAge Contents. 2023.[pdf]
- Kesäniemi, Joonas, Matthias Schlögl, Jouni Tuominen, Victor de Boer, and Go Sugimoto. “Towards Reusable Aggregated Biographical Research Data: Provenance and Versioning in the InTaVia Knowledge Graph.” In Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries. 2023. [pdf]
- Schlögl, Matthias, Joonas Kesäniemi, Jouni Tuominen, Victor de Boer, Go Sugimoto, and Carla Ebel. “Dos and Don’ts of Building a Pan-European Biographical Knowledge Graph: Statistical Analysis of the InTaVia-Platform.” In Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Seventh Conference (DHNB 2023), Book of Abstracts, p. 106. University of Oslo Library, Oslo, Norway, 2023.
- Tino Mager, Seyran Khademi, Ronald Siebes, Jan van Gemert, Victor de Boer, Beate Löffler and Carola Hein (2023). Computer Vision and Architectural History at Eye Level: Mixed Methods for Linking Research in the Humanities and in Information Technology (ArchiMediaL). In: Birgit Schneider, Beate Löffler, Tino Mager, Carola Hein (Eds.), Mixing Methods (125-144). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839469132-014
- Wolff, Johanna, Victor De Boer, Dirk Heylen, and M. Birna Van Riemsdijk. “Using Autoepistemic Logics for Understandable and Flexible User-Models.” In 21st International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, NMR 2023, pp. 133-136. 2023. [pdf]
- Johanna Wolff, Victor de Boer, Dirk Heylen and Birna van Riemsdijk. Using Non-Monotonic Reasoning for Understandable and Flexible User-Models. Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning co-located with the 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2023) and co-located with the 36th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2023), Rhodes, Greece, September 2-4, 2023. Volume 3464 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 133-136, CEUR-WS.org, 2023. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3464/short5.pdf
- Shoilee, Sarah Binta Alam, Victor de Boer, and Jacco van Ossenbruggen. “Polyvocal Knowledge Modelling for Ethnographic Heritage Object Provenance.” Knowledge Graphs: Semantics, Machine Learning, and Languages. IOS Press, 2023. 127-143. https://ebooks.iospress.nl/volumearticle/64017
- Roeland Ordelman, Jasmijn Van Gorp, Willemien Sanders, Mari Wigham, Rana Klein, Jaap Blom, Willem Melder, Martijn Donk van De, Johannes Wassenaar, Frank Sträter, Victor de Boer, Christian Olesen, Mary-Joy Van der Deure, Norah Karrouche, Jasper Keijzer, Asli Ozgen-Havekotte, Alexander Badenoch, Megan Phipps and Julia Noordegraaf. Towards ’Stakeholder Readiness’ in the CLARIAH Media Suite: Future-Proofing an Audio-Visual Research Infrastructure Short paper DHBenelux 2023 1-2 June Brussels, Belgium
- van der Weerdt, Roderick, et al. “Evaluating the Effect of Semantic Enrichment on Entity Embeddings of IoT Knowledge Graphs.” (2023).van der Weerdt, R., de Boer, V., Daniele, L., Siebes, R., & van Harmelen, F. (2023). Evaluating the Effect of Semantic Enrichment on Entity Embeddings of IoT Knowledge Graphs. First International Workshop on Semantic Web on Constrained Things – SWoCoT SWoCoT@ESWC 2023: 61-73 https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3412/paper5.pdf
- Alam, M., De Boer, V., Daga, E., Van Erp, M., Hyvönen, E. & Meroño-Peñuela, A., Editorial of the Special issue on Cultural heritage and Semantic Web. 15 Dec 2022, In: Semantic Web. 14, 2, p. 155-158 4 p. http://hdl.handle.net/10138/35478
- Siebes, R., de Boer, V., Reda, R., & van der Weerdt, R. (2022). Learning and Reasoning over Smart Home Knowledge Graphs. Proceedings of the workshop Heterodox Methods for Interpretable and Efficient AI at HHAI 2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [PDF]
- V. de Boer Knowledge Graphs for Impactful Data Science. SEMPDW. 2022 Posters, Demos and Workshops at SEMANTiCS 2022: Proceedings of Poster and Demo Track and Workshop Track of the 18th International Conference on Semantic Systems co-located with 18th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTiCS 2022) Vienna, Austria, September 13th to 15th, 2022. Şimşek, U., Chaves-Fraga, D., Pellegrini, T. & Vahdat, S. (eds.). CEUR-WS, 2 p. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; vol. 3235).
- Ho, L., de Boer, V., van Riemsdijk, M. B., Schlobach, S. & Tielman, M. L., Abstract Argumentation for Hybrid Intelligence Scenarios ArgXAI-22 Argumentation for eXplainable AI: 1st International Workshop on Argumentation for eXplainable AI co-located with 9th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2022) Cardiff, Wales, September 12, 2022. Čyras, K., Kampik, T.,https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3209/7787.pdf
- Reda, Roberto, Antonella Carbonaro, Victor de Boer, Ronald Siebes, Roderick van der Weerdt, Barry Nouwt, and Laura Daniele. 2022. “Supporting Smart Home Scenarios Using OWL and SWRL Rules” Sensors 22, no. 11: 4131. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22114131
- Victor de Boer. A formalization of one of the main claims of “A linked data model for data scopes” by De Boer et al. 2021. Data Science 5 (2022) 75–78 75 DOI 10.3233/DS-210052 IOS Press [PDF]
- Dittoh F., Akkermans H., de Boer V., Bon A., Tuyp W., Baart A. (2022) Tibaηsim: Information Access for Low-Resource Environments. In: Yang XS., Sherratt S., Dey N., Joshi A. (eds) Proceedings of Sixth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 235. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2377-6_62
- de Boer, V., Raven, D., Esmeijer, E., & Oomen, J. (2022). Modeling Ontologies for Individual Artists: A Case Study of a Dutch Ceramic Glass Sculptor. DH Benelux Journal, 61. [PDF]
- R. van der Weerdt, V. de Boer, L. Daniele, B. Nouwt, and R. Siebes, (2021). Making heterogeneous smart home data interoperable with the SAREF ontology. International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 15(4), 280-293.
- Stijn Schouten, Victor de Boer, Lodewijk Petram, and Marieke van Erp. 2021. The Wind in Our Sails: Developing a Reusable and Maintainable Dutch Maritime History Knowledge Graph. In Proceedings of the 11th on Knowledge Capture Conference (K-CAP ’21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 97–104. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3460210.3493548 (preprint arXiv:2111.05605) (2021).
- Victor de Boer. Bringing Knowledge Graphs to the Rural Poor. Abstract accepted for presentation at Knowledge Graphs for Social Good (KG4SG) workshop at the Knowledge Graph conference 3-5-2021 [PDF]
- Daan Raven, Victor de Boer, Erik Esmeyer and Johan Oomen. Modeling Ontologies for Individual Artists. A Case Study of a Dutch Ceramic-Glass Sculptor. Abstract accepted for presentation at DHBenelux 2021 [PDF]
- Tran L, Velazquez E, Sips RJ, de Boer V. Evaluating Medical Lexical Simplification: Rule-Based vs. BERT. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2021 May 27;281:1023-1024. doi: 10.3233/SHTI210337. PMID: 34042832.
- Bloem P., Wilcke X., van Berkel L., de Boer V. (2021) kgbench: A Collection of Knowledge Graph Datasets for Evaluating Relational and Multimodal Machine Learning. In: Verborgh R. et al. (eds) The Semantic Web. ESWC 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12731. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77385-4_37
- Marieke van Erp , Victor de Boer (2021) A Polyvocal and Contextualised Semantic Web. In: Verborgh R. et al. (eds) The Semantic Web. ESWC 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12731. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77385-4_30. [Draft PDF]
- Mehwish Alam, Paul Groth, Victor de Boer, Tassilo Pellegrini, Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Elena Montiel, Víctor Rodríguez Doncel, Barbara McGillivray, Albert Meroño-Peñuela (Eds.) Further with Knowledge Graphs. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Semantic Systems 6-9 September, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. in Studies on the Semantic Web Vol. 53 Studies on the Semantic Web 978-1-64368-200-6 (print) | 978-1-64368-201-3 (online)
- Ilaria Tiddi, Maria Maleshkova, Tassilo Pellegrini, Victor de Boer. Joint Proceedings of the Semantics co-located events: Poster&Demo track and Workshop on Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modelling of Digital Twins co-located with Semantics 2021, Amsterdam and Online, September 6-9, 2021. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2941, CEUR-WS.org 2021 http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2941/
- Victor de Boer, Ivette Bonestroo, Rik Hoekstra and Marijn Koolen A Linked Data Model for Data Scopes. In Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research.
2-4 December, 2020 MTSR2020 Springer CCIS vol 1335 (preprint PDF) - Roderick van der Weerdt, Victor de Boer, Laura Daniele and Barry Nouwt. Validating SAREF in a Smart Home Environment. In Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research. 2-4 December, 2020 MTSR2020 [link]
- Blomqvist, E., Groth, P., De Boer, V., Pellegrini, T., Alam, M., Käfer, T., Kieseberg, P., Kirrane, S., Meroño-Peñuela, A., Pandit, H.J. (Eds.) Semantic Systems. In the Era of Knowledge Graphs
16th International Conference on Semantic Systems, SEMANTiCS 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 7–10, 2020, Proceedings Springer LNCS 12378 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-59833-4 -
Victor de Boer, Antske Fokkens, Christine Moser and Ivar Vermeulen. Proceedings of the Network Institute Academy Assistants program 2017/2018. https://zenodo.org/communities/niaaproceedings1718 Frontmatter DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4003542
Francis Dittoh, Hans Akkermans, Victor de Boer, Anna Bon, Wendeline Tuyp, and Andre Baart. 2020. Information Access for Low-Resource Environments. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 325–326. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3378393.3402506 [VU research link]
- Robert Bwana, Andre Baart, Victor de Boer, Francois Lenfant, Nene Morisho, Michelle Westermann-Behaylo and Marcel Worring
Developing a Crowdsourcing Application for Responsible Production in Africa. Accepted at DigDivDigHum-20 (WebSci’20 Workshop on Digital (In)Equality, Digital Inclusion, Digital Humanism) [PDF] - Francis Dittoh, Victor de Boer, Anna Bon, Wendelien Tuyp and André Baart. Mr. Meteo: Providing Climate Information for the Unconnected. Accepted at DigDivDigHum-20 (WebSci’20 Workshop on Digital (In)Equality, Digital Inclusion, Digital Humanism)
- Albert Meroño-Peñuela, Victor De Boer, Marieke Van Erp, Richard Zijdeman, Rick Mourits, Willem Melder, Auke Rijpma, Ruben Schalk CLARIAH: Enabling Interoperability Between Humanities Disciplines with Ontologies in Studies on the Semantic Web Volume 49: Applications and Practices in Ontology Design, Extraction, and Reasoning (Cota and Pozzato eds.) P. 73 – 90 DOI10.3233/SSW200036 9 (arXiv preprint 2004.02845 [https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.02845])
- Lô, G.; de Boer, V.; van Aart, C.J. Exploring West African Folk Narrative Texts Using Machine Learning. Information 2020, 11, 236. https://doi.org/10.3390/info11050236 [Open Access Link]
- Baart A., Bon A., de Boer V., Dittoh F., Tuijp W., Akkermans H. (2019) Affordable Voice Services to Bridge the Digital Divide: Presenting the Kasadaka Platform. In: Escalona M., Domínguez Mayo F., Majchrzak T., Monfort V. (eds) Web Information Systems and Technologies. WEBIST 2018. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 372. Springer, Cham [Link | Draft]
- W.X. Wilcke, V. de Boer, M.T.M. de Kleijn, F.A.H. van Harmelen, H.J. Scholten, User-centric pattern mining on knowledge graphs: An archaeological case study, Journal of Web Semantics, Volume 59, 2019, 100486, ISSN 1570-8268, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.websem.2018.12.004. [Link | Preprint PDF]
- Pascal Hitzler, Sabrina Kirrane, Olaf Hartig, Victor de Boer, Maria-Esther Vidal, Maria Maleshkova, Stefan Schlobach, Karl Hammar, Nelia Lasierra, Steffen Stadtmüller, Katja Hose, Ruben Verborgh:
The Semantic Web: ESWC 2019 Satellite Events – ESWC 2019 Satellite Events, Portorož, Slovenia, June 2-6, 2019, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11762, Springer 2019, ISBN 978-3-030-32326-4 [contents] - Patricia Lago and Victor de Boer. Information Sciences Education for a Digital Sustainable Society. in Proceedings of CompSusEd’19: Second International Workshop on Computing+Sustainability+Education
Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland, June 16, 2019 [draft pdf] - Anna Bon, Hans Akkermans, Victor de Boer, Jaap Gordijn, Aron van Groningen, Cheah Wai Shiang. Community Service Learning As An Inclusive Educational Model In The Light Of Complex Realities. in Culture, citizenship, participation – Comparative perspectives from Latin America on inclusive education. Pangaea 2019 (This book is simultaneously released in Spanish, the original language, published as Cultura, ciudadanía, participación – Perspectivas de la educación inclusiva.)
- Themistoklis Karavellas, Anggarda Prameswari, Oana Inel, Victor de Boer. Local Crowdsourcing for Annotating Audio: the Elevator Annotator platform. in Human Computation Journal, Vol 6 (2019) p. 1-11 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15346/hc.v6i1 [preprint pdf]
- Chris Dijkshoorn, Victor de Boer, Lora Aroyo, Guus Schreiber. Accurator: Nichesourcing for Cultural Heritage
in Human Computation Journal, Vol 6 (2019) p. 12-41 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15346/hc.v6i1 [online] - Anna Bon, Jaap Gordijn, Hans Akkermans, Victor de Boer, Andre Baart, Cheah Wai Shiang, and Sze San Nah. Community-centered, Project-based ICT4D Education in the Field. To appear in Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries (IFIP Working group 9.4) Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. May 1 – 3, 2019 [Preprint PDF]
- Victor de Boer, Antske Fokkens, Christine Moser and Ivar Vermeulen. Proceedings of the Network Institute Academy Assistants program 2017/2018. https://zenodo.org/communities/niaaproceedings1718 Frontmatter DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2390917
- Akkermans, H., Houben, G. J., De Boer, V. & Weber, M. S., 15 May 2018, WebSci 2018 – Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science. p. iii
- Anna Fensel, Victor de Boer, Tassilo Pellegrini, Elmar Kiesling, Bernhard Haslhofer, Laura Hollink, Alexander Schindler eds. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Semantic Systems 10th – 13th of September 2018 Vienna, Austria. Procedia Computer Science Volume 137, Pages 1-268 (2018) ISSN: 1877-0509 [Open Access link]
- Roeland Ordelman, Carlos Martínez Ortíz, Liliana Melgar Estrada, Marijn Koolen, Jaap Blom, Willem Melder, Jasmijn Van Gorp, Victor De Boer, Themistoklis Karavellas, Lora Aroyo, Thomas Poell, Norah Karrouche, Eva Baaren, Johannes Wassenaar, Oana Inel, Julia Noordegraaf. Challenges in Enabling Mixed Media Scholarly Research with Multi-media Data in a Sustainable Infrastructure. in Digital Humanities 2018 Conference. Mexico, DH 2018, Mexico City, Mexico, 26/06/18.
- André Baart, Anna Bon, Victor de Boer, Wendelien Tuyp, Hans Akkermans Ney Yibeogo – Hello World: A Voice Service Development Platform to Bridge the Web’s Digital Divide. p 23-34 in María José Escalona, Francisco José Domínguez Mayo, Tim A. Majchrzak, Valérie Monfort in Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, WEBIST 2018, Seville, Spain, September 18-20, 2018. SciTePress 2018, ISBN 978-989-758-324-7 [Link INSTICC]
- de Boer, V., de Bruyn, T., Brooks, J., & de Vos, J. (2018, October). The Benefits of Linking Metadata for Internal and External Users of an Audiovisual Archive. In Research Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (pp. 212-223). Springer, Cham. [Draft PDF]
- Seyran Khademi, Xiangwei Shi, Tino Mager, Ronald Siebes, Carola Hein, Victor de Boer and Jan van Gemert. Sight-Seeing in the Eyes of Deep Neural Networks. in Proceedings of IEEE eScience 2018
- Anna Bon, Victor de Boer, Christophe Guéret, Gayo Diallo, Jaap Gordijn. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium “Perspectives on ICT4D”. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2120/
- Carlos Martinez-Ortiz, Roeland Ordelman, Marijn Koolen, Julia Noordegraaf, Liliana Melgar, Lora Aroyo, Jaap Blom, Victor de Boer, Willem Melder, Jasmijn Van Gorp, Eva Baaren, Kaspar Beelen, Norah Karrouche, Oana Inel, Iris van Vliet, Johan Oomen, Themis Karavellas, Johannes Wassenaar, Eduardo Silva Navarrete and Thomas Poell. CLARIAH Media Suite: Enabling Scholarly Research for Distributed Audiovisual and Mixed Media Data Sets in a Sustainable Infrastructure . Abstract presented at DHBenelux2018
- Anna Fensel, Laura Daniele, Lora Aroyo, Victor de Boer, Sándor Darányi, Omar Elloumi, Raúl García-Castro, Laura Hollink, Oana Inel, Gerard Kuys, Maria Maleshkova, Munir Merdan, Albert Meroño-Peñuela, Thomas Moser, Felix Leif Keppmann, Efstratios Kontopoulos, Lodewijk Petram, Enrico Scarrone, Ruben Verborgh: Joint Proceedings of SEMANTiCS 2017 Workshops co-located with the 13th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTiCS 2017), Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 11 and 14, 2017. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2063, CEUR-WS.org 2018
- Bob Steenmeijer, Angelique Schriever, Max Rensburg, David Rubens, Victor de Boer and Marieke Oprel. Linking Data on the Termination of Enemy Status. Forthcoming in Proceedings of DHBenelux 2018
- Berber Hagedoorn, Liliana Melgar, Victor de Boer, Lora Aroyo, Carlos Martínez Ortiz. Linking data and disciplines: Exploring narratives through computational tools and interdisciplinary collaboration. Abstract DHBenelux 2018
- Steven Kuhnen, Rebecca Sepers, Chris Dijkshoorn, Victor de Boer, Lora Aroyo. Structuring Cultural Heritage PROVenance: The Rijksmuseum Use Case. Abstract DHBenelux 2018 [link]
- Gossa Lô, Victor de Boer, Stefan Schlobach, and Gayo Diallo.. 2018. Linking African Traditional Medicine Knowledge. DOI:https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.6004532.v1
- Antske Fokkens, Serge ter Braake, Niels Ockeloen, Piek Vossen, Susan Legêne, Guus Schreiber, Victor de Boer. BiographyNet: Extracting Relations Between People and Events. In: Á. Z. Bernád, C. Gruber, M. Kaiser eds., Europa baut auf Biographien: Aspekte, Bausteine, Normen und Standards für eine europäische Biographik (New Academic Press 2017, ISBN: 978-3-7003-2069-2). p. 193-224. [PDF]
- Victor de Boer, Josien Jansen, Ana-Liza Tjon-A-Pauw, Frank Nack,. Interactive Dance Choreography Assistance. In: Cheok A., Inami M., Romão T. (eds) Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology. ACE 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10714. Springer, Cham [Draft PDF]
- Rinke Hoekstra, Catherine Faron-Zucker, Tassilo Pellegrini, and Victor de Boer (Eds.). 2017. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Semantic Systems. ACM, New York, NY, USA.
- Rudy Marsman, Victor de Boer, Themistoklis Karavellas, Johan Oomen. New Life for Old Media: Investigations into Speech Synthesis and Deep Learning-based Colorization for Audiovisual Archives To appear in Proceedings of New European Media Summit (NEM-Summit 2017) [PDF]
- Victor de Boer, Liliana Melgar, Oana Inel, Carlos Martinez Ortiz, Lora Aroyo and Johan Oomen. Enriching Media Collections for Event-based Exploration. In: Garoufallou E., Virkus S., Siatri R., Koutsomiha D. (eds) Metadata and Semantic Research. MTSR 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 755. Springer, Cham [PDF] (Winner best paper award)
- Xander Wilcke,Peter Bloem,Victor de Boer. The Knowledge Graph as the Default Data Model for Machine Learning. In Data Science 1 (1) 1-19. 10.3233/DS-170007. IOS Press. 2017 [link]
- Albert Meroño, Rinke Hoekstra, Aldo Gangemi, Peter Bloem, Reinier de Valk, Bas Stringer, Berit Janssen, Victor de Boer, Alo Allik, Stefan Schlobach, Kevin Page. The MIDI Linked Data Cloud. In: d’Amato C. et al. (eds) The Semantic Web – ISWC 2017. ISWC 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10588. Springer, Cham
- Carlos Martinez-Ortiz, Roeland Ordelman, Marijn Koolen, Julia Noordegraaf, Liliana Melgar, Lora Aroyo, Jaap Blom, Victor de Boer, Willem Melder, Jasmijn van Gorp, Eva Baaren, Kaspar Beelen, Norah Karrouche, Oana Inel, Rosita Kiewik, Themis Karavellas and Thomas Poell. From Tools to “Recipes”: Building a Media Suite within the Dutch Digital Humanities Infrastructure CLARIAH. Paper presented at the Digital Humanities Benelux Conference 2017.
- Victor de Boer, Oana Inel, Lora Aroyo, Chiel van den Akker, Susane Legene, Carlos Martinez, Werner Helmich, Berber Hagendoorn, Sabrina Sauer, Jaap Blom, Liliana Melgar, Johan Oomen. DIVE+: Explorative Search for Digital Humanities. Demonstration at LODLAM Technical challenge. Winner of the Grand Prize [Link]
- Beate Löffler, Victor de Boer, Jan van Gemert, Dirk Schubert and Carola Hein. The ArchiMediaL Project: Opening up the Architectural Heritage in Repositories and Image Databases. Accepted for oral presentation at DCH2017 Int. Conference on Digital Cultural Heritage, Berlin [PDF]
- Oana Inel , Lora Aroyo, Jaap Blom , Victor de Boer, Werner Helmich, Liliana Melgar, Carlos Martinez Ortiz, and Johan Oomen. DIVE+: Explorative Search for Digital Humanities in CLARIAH Media Suite SIKS information Abstract presented at ICT.Open 2016 – Winner Best SIKS Poster presentation [PDF]
- Ronald Siebes, Victor de Boer, Bryn Williams-Jones, Kiera McNeice and Stian Soiland-Reyes Drug Discovery and Big Linked Data Health information Abstract presented at ICT.Open 2017 [PDF]
- Sören Auer, Simon Scerri, Aad Versteden, Erika Pauwels, Angelos Charalambidis, Stasinos Konstantopoulos, Jens Lehmann, Hajira Jabeen, Ivan Ermilov, Gezim Sejdiu, Andreas Ikonomopoulos, Spyros Andronopoulos, Mandy Vlachogiannis, Charalambos Pappas, Athanasios Davettas, Iraklis A. Klampanos, Efstathios Grigoropoulos, Vangelis Karkaletsis, Victor de Boer, Ronald Siebes, Mohamed Nadjib Mami, Sergio Albani, Michele Lazzarini, Paulo Nunes, Emanuele Angiuli, Nikiforos Pittaras, George Giannakopoulos, Giorgos Argyriou, George Stamoulis, George Papadakis, Manolis Koubarakis, Pythagoras Karampiperis, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Maria-Esther Vidal. The BigDataEurope Platform – Supporting the Variety Dimension of Big Data . In Web engineering, proceedings of The 17th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE), ICWE2017, Rome, Italy, June 5-8, LNCS, Springer, 2017
- Victor de Boer, Albert Meroño-Peñuela and Niels Ockeloen. Linked Data for Digital History: Lessons Learned from Three Case Studies. In Historiografía digital: proyectos para almacenar y construir la Historia. Mirella Romero Recio and Mª Jesús Colmenero Ruiz (eds.) Anejos de la Revista de Historiografía. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; (1 ottobre 2016). ISBN 8416829012 [Draft PDF]
- Ronald Siebes, Victor de Boer, Bryn Williams-Jones and Stian Soiland-Reyes Drug Discovery and Big Linked Data. Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences (SWAT4LS 2016) [PDF]
- Victor de Boer, Anna Bon, Cheah WaiShiang and Nana Baah Gyan (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Downscaling the Semantic Web (Downscale2016). Co-located with the 4th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S) Sep 1, 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.3827052.v1 [PDF]
- Niels Ockeloen, Victor de Boer, Tobias Kuhn, and Guus Schreiber. Data 2 Documents: Modular and distributive content management in RDF. in Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: 20th International Conference, EKAW 2016, Bologna, Italy, November 19-23, 2016, Proceedings (p 447-462) Springer http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-49004-5_29 [Paper PDF]
Onno Valkering, Victor de Boer, Gossa Lo, Romy Blankendaal, and Stefan Schlobach. The Semantic Web in an SMS. in Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: 20th International Conference, EKAW 2016, Bologna, Italy, November 19-23, 2016, Proceedings (p. 697-712) Springer http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-49004-5_45 [Draft PDF]
Victor de Boer, Matthias Priem, Michiel Hildebrand, Nico Verplancke, Arjen de Vries and Johan Oomen. Exploring Audiovisual Archives through Aligned Thesauri. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR 2016) Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science. Vol. 672. (p211-222) [Draft PDF]
- Victor de Boer, Roeland Ordelman, Josefien Schuurman. Evaluating Unsupervised Thesaurus-based Labeling of Audiovisual Content in an Archive Production Environment. International Journal on Digital Libraries, (), 1-13 DOI 10.1007/s00799-016-0182-6 [draft pdf]
- Oana Inel, Lora Aroyo and Victor de Boer From DIVE to DIVEplus: Exploring Integrated Linked Media Abstract accepted at ICT.Open 2016
- Niels Ockeloen, Antske Fokkens, Serge Ter Braake, Piek Vossen, Victor de Boer, Susan Legêne and Guus Schreiber. BiographyNet: Extracting relations between people and events Abstract accepted at ICT.Open 2016
- Ronald Siebes, Victor de Boer and Bryn Williams-Jones. Big Data Europe: Multi-domain Piloting and Evaluation for a Big Data Infrastructure Abstract accepted at ICT.Open 2016
- Astrid van Aggelen, Victor de Boer, Maarten Groen, Wouter Meys, Jaap Reitsma, Wilco Bonestro and Mettina Veenstra. Observe: Semantic Context-based Content Recommendation for Adaptive Public Screens. Abstract accepted at ICT.Open 2016
- Xander Wilcke, Victor de Boer, Frank van Harmelen and Maurice de Kleijn. A Deep Neural Network for Link Prediction on Knowledge Graphs. Abstract accepted at ICT.Open 2016
- A. Gossa Lô, Stefan Schlobach and Victor de Boer. Kasadaka: a rapid prototyping platform for the rural poor. Abstract accepted at ICT.Open 2016
- Liliana Melgar Estrada, Michiel Hildebrand, Victor de Boer, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Time-based tags for fiction movies: Comparing experts to novices using a video labeling game. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. DOI 10.1002/asi.23656
- Gueret, C.D.M., Boer, V. de & Bon, A. (). Decentralised Open Data for World Citizens. PMOD Using Open Data policy modeling, citizen empowerment, data journalism. Brussel, W3C workshop [PDF].
- Victor de Boer, Johan Oomen, Oana Inel, Lora Aroyo, Elco van Staveren, Werner Helmich, Dennis de Beurs. DIVE into the Event-Based Browsing of Linked Historical Media. Journal of Web Semantics Vol. 35, Part 3 (152 – 158) [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.websem.2015.06.003, Draft PDF]
- Victor de Boer, Matthias van Rossum, Jurjen Leinenga and Rik Hoekstra. The Dutch Ships and Sailors Project. DHCommons Journal volume 1, july 2015 [HTML].
- Victor de Boer, Roeland Ordelman and Josefien Schuurman. Practice-oriented Evaluation of Unsupervised Labeling of Audiovisual Content in an Archive Production Environment. Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, 14-18 sept. Poznan, Poland [PDF]
- Daan Odijk, Cristina Gârbacea, Thomas Schoegje, Laura Hollink, Victor de Boer, Kees Ribbens and Jacco van Ossenbruggen. Supporting Exploration of Historical Perspectives across Collections. Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, 14-18 sept. Poznan, Poland [PDF]
- Karel S. Brandt, Victor de Boer. Linked Data for the International Aid Transparency Initiative. Journal on Data Semantics Jan 2015 (p 1-25). ISSN 1861-2032 Springer Berlin Heidelberg http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13740-014-0048-2 [Draft PDF]
- Stefan Schlobach, Victor de Boer, Christophe Guéret, Stéphane Boyera, Philippe Cudré-Mauroux. From Knowledge Engineering for Development to Development Informatics. EKAW (Satellite Events) 2014: 18-29 [PDF]
- Victor de Boer, Johan Oomen, Oana Inel, Lora Aroyo, Elco van Staveren, Werner Helmich, Dennis de Beurs
DIVE: Dynamically Linking Collections on the Basis of Events. (Abstract) presented at Exploring Historical Sources with Language Technology: Results and Perspectives (8-9 dec. 2014) - Victor de Boer, Aldo Gangemi, Krzysztof Janowicz, Agnieszka Lawrynowicz (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP2014) co-located with the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014) Riva del Garda, Italy, October 19, 2014. CEUR proceedings (ISSN: 1613-0073) Vol-1302,. urn:nbn:de:0074-1302-6 http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1302/
- Victor de Boer, Johan Oomen, Oana Inel, Lora Aroyo, Elco van Staveren, Werner Helmich and Dennis de Beurs. DIVE into the Event-Based Browsing of Linked Historical Media. Semantic Web Challenge, Proceedings of the 13th International Semantic Web Conference
(ISWC’14). Riva del Garda, Italy. Winner 3rd Place [PDF] - Andrea Bravo Balado, Victor de Boer and Guus Schreiber. Linking historical ship records to a newspaper archive. In Luca Maria Aiello, Daniel A. McFarland: (eds.) Social Informatics – SocInfo 2014 International Workshops, Barcelona, Spain, November 11, 2014, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8852, Springer 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-15167-0 (p. 254-263) [PDF]
- Victor de Boer, Jur Leinenga, Matthias van Rossum and Rik Hoekstra.
Dutch Ships and Sailors Linked Data Cloud. In
Proceedings of the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014),
19-23 October, Riva del Garda, Italy, 2014 (p. 229-244)[Draft PDF] - Christophe Gueret, Victor de Boer, Stefan Schlobach. Let’s “Downscale” Linked Data. IEEE Internet Computing. 01/2014; 18(2):70-73. DOI:10.1109/MIC.2014.29 [IEEE Link]
- Niels Ockeloen, Antske Fokkens, Serge ter Braake, Piek Vossen, Victor de
Boer, Guus Schreiber, and Susan Legene. BiographyNet: Managing Provenance at multiple levels and from different perspectives. 3rd International Workshop on Linked Science 2013—Supporting Reproducibility, Scientific Investigations and Experiments (LISC2013) - Francis Dittoh, Chris van Aart, Victor de Boer. Voice-Based Marketing for Agricultural Products: A Case Study in Rural Northern Ghana. In: Sixth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD2013) December 7 – 10 2013, Cape Town, South Africa
- Victor de Boer, Nana Baah Gyan, Anna Bon, Wendelien Tuyp, Chris van Aart, Hans Akkermans. A Dialogue with Linked Data – Voice-Based Access to Market Data in the Sahel, Semantic Web Journal 6 (2015) 23-33, DOI 10.3233/SW-130132 [Draft PDF]
- Niels Ockeloen, Victor de Boer and Lora Aroyo. LDtogo: A Data Querying and Mapping Framework for Linked Data Applications. Demonstration track at ESWC 2013, Montpellier, France.
- Victor de Boer, Johan van Doornik, Lars Buitinck, Maarten Marx, Tim Veken, Kees Ribbens. Linking the Kingdom: Enriched Access To A Historiographical Text. Proceedings of KCAP 2013, Banff, Canada, 23-26 June 2013. [PDF]
- Victor de Boer, Johan van Doornik, Lars Buitinck, Maarten Marx, Tim Veken, Kees Ribbens. Verrijkt Koninkrijk: Linking a Historiographical Text to the Web of Data. Poster presentation at the E-Humanities workshop, Soeterbeeck, the Netherlands, 13-14 June 2013. [Abstract] [Poster]
- Nana Baah Gyan, Victor de Boer, Anna Bon, Chris van Aart, Stephane Boyera, Hans Akkermans, Mary Allen, Aman Grewal, Max Froumentin. Voice-based Web access in rural Africa. Proceedings of ACM Web Science 2013, Paris, France, May 2-4, 2013. [PDF]
- Fabian Eikelboom, Paul Groth, Victor de Boer and Laura Hollink. A comparison between online and offline prayer. Proceedings of ACM Web Science 2013, Paris, France, May 2-4, 2013.[PDF]
- Anna Bon, Victor de Boer, Nana Baah Gyan, Chris van Aart, Pieter De Leenheer, Wendelien Tuyp, Stephane Boyera, Max Froumentin, Aman Grewal, Mary Allen, Amadou Tangara, Hans Akkermans. Use Case and Requirements Analysis in a Remote Rural Context in Mali. Proceedings of the 9th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2013), Essen, Germany April 8-11, 2013 [PDF].
- Victor de Boer, Jan Wielemaker, Judith van Gent, Marijke Oosterbroek, Michiel Hildebrand, Antoine Isaac, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Guus Schreiber. Amsterdam Museum Linked Open Data. Semantic Web: Special Call for Linked Dataset descriptions. ISSN 1570-0844 (Print) 2210-4968 (Online) Volume 4, Number 3. IOS Press. [PDF] SWJ Link
- Victor de Boer, Michiel Hildebrand, Lora Aroyo, Pieter De Leenheer, Chris Dijkshoorn, Binyam Tesfa and Guus Schreiber. Nichesourcing: Harnessing the Power of Crowds of Experts. In ten Teije, Annette and Völker, Johanna and Handschuh, Siegfried and Stuckenschmidt, Heiner and d’Acquin, Mathieu and Nikolov, Andriy and Aussenac-Gilles, Nathalie and Hernandez, Nathalie (eds.)
“Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management”. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, EKAW 2012. 8 – 12 October 2012, Galway City, Ireland.
LNCS 7603, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p. 16-20.doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33876-2_3 [PDF] - Victor de Boer, Nana Baah Gyan, Pieter De Leenheer, Anna Bon, Chris van Aart, Christophe Guéret, Wendelien Tuyp, Stephane Boyera, Mary Allen and Hans Akkermans. Bringing the Web of Data to Developing Countries: Linked Market Data in the Sahel. Poster ESWC 2012, Heraklion, Greece, 27 – 31 May 2012. Winner of the ESWC 2012 Best Poster Award [PDF] [Poster]
- Victor de Boer, Nana Baah Gyan, Anna Bon, Pieter De Leenheer, Chris van Aart and Hans Akkermans. Voice-based Access to Linked Market Data in the Sahel. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Downscaling the Semantic Web (DownScale-2012), Heraklion, Greece, May 28, 2012. Edited by: Christophe Guéret, Stefan Schlobach, Florent Pigout. ceur-ws.org/Vol-844/ [PDF]
- Anna Bon, Victor de Boer, Pieter De Leenheer, Chris Van Aart, Nana Gyan and Hans Akkermans. The Web of Radios – Introducing African Community Radio as an interface to the Web of Data. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Downscaling the Semantic Web (DownScale-2012), Heraklion, Greece, May 28, 2012. Edited by: Christophe Guéret, Stefan Schlobach, Florent Pigout. ceur-ws.org/Vol-844/
- Victor de Boer, Jan Wielemaker, Judith van Gent, Michiel Hildebrand, Antoine Isaac, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Guus Schreiber. Supporting Linked Data Production for Cultural Heritage institutes: The Amsterdam Museum Case Study. In: Proceedings of the 9th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2012) Heraklion, Greece. May 27 – 31. [PDF]
- Victor de Boer, Pieter De Leenheer, Anna Bon, Nana Baah Gyan, Chris van Aart, Christophe Guèret, Wendelien Tuyp, Stephane Boyera, Mary Allen, Hans Akkermans, RadioMarché: Distributed Voice- and Web-interfaced Market Information Systems under Rural Conditions. In: Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE’2012, Gdansk, Poland, 25 – 29 June 2012. [PDF]
- Christophe Guéret, Stefan Schlobach, Victor de Boer, Anna Bon and Hans Akkermans (2011). Is data sharing the privilege of a few? Bringing Linked Data to those without the Web. Voted as Most Outrageous Idea at the 10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2011) [PDF]
- Chris van Aart, Anna Bon, Hans Akkermans, Victor de Boer, Stephane Boyera, Wendelien Tuyp , Nana Gyan. The Web of Voices: how to connect 4.5 billion internet-less people to the Web. Voted as Third-most Outrageous Idea at the 10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2011) [PDF]
- Steffen Hennicke, Viktor De Boer, Antoine Isaac, Marlies Olensky and Jan Wielemaker. Conversion of EAD into EDM Linked Data. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives (SDA 2011), TPDL conference 29-9-2011 Berlin, Germany. [PDF], [Slides]
- Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Michiel Hildebrand, Viktor de Boer. Interactive vocabulary alignment. Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Theory and practice of digital libraries: research and advanced technology for digital libraries. TPDL 2011, Berlin, Germany[PDF], [Web site]
- Viktor de Boer, Maarten W. van Someren, and Tiberiu Lupascu. Web Page Classification Using Image Analysis Features. J. Filipe and J. Cordeiro (Eds.): WEBIST 2010, LNBIP 75, pp. 272–285. Springer, Heidelberg (2011)[PDF]
- Steffen Hennicke, Marlies Olensky, Viktor de Boer, Antoine Isaac, Jan Wielemaker. A data model for cross-domain data representation: The “Europeana Data Model” in the case of archival and museum data. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Information Science, (ISI 2011). Hildesheim, Germany, March 9-11 2011.[PDF]
- V. de Boer. Ontology Enrichment from Heterogeneous Sources on the Web. Ph.D. Thesis. Informatics Institute, Faculty of Science, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 30-09-2010. SIKS dissertation series no. 2010-31 [UVA-DARE link]
- V. de Boer, M. W. van Someren, B. J. Wielinga and A. A. Anjewierden. Exploiting Redundancy for Pattern-based Relation Instantiation using tOKo. Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management by the Masses (EKAW 2010). 11th October-15th October 2010 – Lisbon, Portugal. [PDF]
- V. de Boer, M. W. van Someren and B.J. Wielinga. Extracting Historical Time Periods from the Web. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST). 2010 DOI 10.1002/asi.21378 [PDF Wiley.com], [PDF Thesis version]
- V. de Boer, M.W. van Someren and T. Lupascu. Classifying Web Pages with Visual Features. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems (WEBIST 2010), Valencia, Spain.[PDF]
- V. de Boer, V. Hollink and M.W. van Someren. Automatic Web Site Authoring with SiteGuide. Proceedings of the 21st Belgian-Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 2009.[PDF]
- V. Hollink, M. van Someren and V. de Boer (2009) SiteGuide: an Example-based Approach to Web Site Development Assistance. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, (p. 143-150) Lisboa, Portugal (2009) INSTICC Press, ISBN 978-989-8111-81-4
- V. Hollink, V. de Boer, M.W. van Someren. SiteGuide: A Tool for Web Site Authoring Support. To appear in: J. Cordeiro and J. Filipe (eds.): WEBIST 2009 Revised Best Papers, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Springer, 2009.
- V. Hollink, M.W. van Someren and V. de Boer(2009). Clustering objects from multiple collections. KI 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 32nd Annual German Conference on AI (KI 2009), Paderborn, Germany, September 15-18, 2009 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence , Vol. 5803
- V. de Boer, V. Hollink and M.W. van Someren (2009). Automatic Web Site Authoring with SiteGuide. Recent Advances in Intelligent Information Systems: Proceedings of the IIS 2009 conference held in Krakow, Poland, June 15-18, 2009.[PDF]
- Schreiber, A.T., Amin, A., Aroyo, L., Assem, M. van, Boer, V. de, Hardman, L., Hildebrand, M., Omelayenko, B., Ossenbruggen, J. van, Tordai, A., Wielemaker, J. & Wielinga, B.J. (2008). Semantic annotation and search of cultural-heritage collections: The Multimedian demonstrator. Journal of Web Semantics, 6(4), 243-249.
- Hollink, V., Someren, M. van & Boer, V. de (2008). Capturing the needs of amateur web designers by means of examples. In J. Baumeister & M. Atzmüller (Eds.), LWA 2008: Workshop-Woche: Lernen, Wissen & Adaptivität: Würzburg, 6.-8. Oktober 2008 (pp. 26-31). Würzburg: University of Würzburg, Department of Computer Science. [PDF]
- Boer, V. de, Someren, M.W. van & Wielinga, B.J. (2007). A Redundancy-Based Method for the Extraction of Relation Instances from the Web. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 65(9), 816-831.[ScienceDirect], [PDF Thesis version]
- Amin, A., Aroyo, L., Assem, M. van, Boer, V. de, Hardman, L., Hildebrand, M., Omelayenko, B., Ossenbruggen, J., Scheiber, G., Tordai, A., Wielemaker, J. & Wielinga, B.J. (2007). The E-Culture MultimediaN Project. Poster presented at the MultimediaN Day (Amsterdam): .
- Ossenbruggen, J., Amin, A., Hardman, L., Hildebrand, M., Assem, M. van, Omelayenko, B., Schreiber, G., Tordai, A., Boer, V. de, Wielinga, B.J., Wielemaker, J., Niet, M. de, Taekema, J., Orsouw, M. van & Teesing, A. (2007). Searching and Annotating Virtual Heritage Collections with Semantic-Web Techniques. In J. Trant & D. Bearman (Eds.), Proceedings of Museums and the Web 2007. San Francisco and California: Archives & Museum Informatics.
- Schreiber, A.Th., Amin, A., Assem, M. van, Boer, V. de, Hardman, L., Hildebrand, M., Hollink, L., Huang, Z., Kersen, J., Niet, M., Omelayenko, B., Ossenbruggen, J., Siebes, R., Taekema, J., Wielemaker, J. & Wielinga, B.J. (2006). MultimediaN E-Culture Demonstrator. In Isabel.F. Cruz, Stefan Decker, Dean Allemang, Chris Preist, Daniel Schwabe, Peter Mika, Michael Uschold & Lora Aroyo (Eds.), International Semantic Web Conference Vol. 4273. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 951-958). Springer.
- Boer, V. de, Someren, M.W. van & Wielinga, B.J. (2006). A Redundancy-based Method for Relation Instantiation from the Web. In A Perini, L Penserini & P Peppas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2006) (pp. 749-750). Amsterdam, the Netherlands: IOS Press.[PDF]
- Boer, V. de, Someren, M.W. van & Wielinga, B.J. (2006). Extracting Art Style Periods from the Web. In P Bouquet, R Brunelli, J.P. Chanod, C Niederée & H Stoermer (Eds.), Proceedings of the ESWC 2006 Workshop on Mastering the Gap: From Information Extraction to Semantic Representation. Budva, Montenegro: CEUR Workshop proceedings.[PDF]
- Boer, V. de, Someren, M.W. van & Wielinga, B.J. (2006). Extracting Instances of Relations from Web Documents using Redundancy. In Y Sure & J Domingue (Eds.), In Proceedings of the Third European Semantic Web Conference Vol. 4011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 245-258). Dudva, Montenegro: Springer.[PDF]
- Boer, V. de, Someren, M.W. van & Wielinga, B.J. (2006). Relation Instantiation for Ontology Population using the Web. In C Freksa, M Kohlhase & K Schill (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual German Conference on AI, KI 2006 Vol. 4314. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Bremen, Germany: Springer.[PDF]
- Geleijnse, G., Korst, J. & Boer, V. de (2006). Instance Classification using Co-Occurrences on the Web. In In proceedings of the ISWC 2006 workshop on Web Content Mining. Athens, GA, USA.[PDF]
- V. de Boer, 2003.
Optimal Learning and the Spacing Effect: Theory, Applications and Experiments Based on the Memory Chain Model,
Artificial Intelligence Master’s Thesis, August 2003, Fac. of Science, Universiteit van Amsterdam