I was honored to be invited as a keynote speaker for the 5th edition of the SUMAC 2023 workshop (analySis, Understanding and proMotion of heritAge Contents) held in conjunction with ACM Multimedia in Ottawa, Canada. In the keynote, I sketched how Knowledge Graphs as a technology can be applied to the cultural heritage domain with examples of opportunities for new types of research in the field of digital humanities specifically with respect to analyses and visualisation of such (multi-modal) data.
In the talk, I discussed the promises and challenges of designing, constructing and enriching knowledge graphs for cultural heritage and digital humanities and how such integrated and multimodal data can be browsed, queried or analysed using state of the art machine learning.
I also addressed the issue of polyvocality, where multiple perspectives on (historical) information are to be represented. Especially in contexts such as that of (post-)colonial heritage, representing multiple voices is crucial.
You can find the complete abstract of my talk here and the (compressed) presentation slides itself below.